Ultimate job satisfaction, Reality or Utopia? Contact us!

Imagion: On your way to work, surviving the traffic jam. Happy to go to work again! Your job is inspiring and you’re very proud of the work that you do. You are full of energy and totally into your work each moment of the day! Utopia??? Or Reality…?
Still there are a lot of people who aren’t totally happy in their job. They do not really like their current job. What is going on? Why do employees stay in a job where their can’t find any job satisfaction?
What is the ultimate job satisfaction?
There are four keys to personal hapiness in your work. Below you find your dream scenario from which you will be going to your job totally satisfied.
1. Your job matters
People who find their work meaningful are motivated and feel comfortable in their job. You feel good in your work and can explain what makes your job usefull. With that in mind you can get a lot of satisfation from your job.
2. Make the most of yourself
You use your strong aspects in your job. You use your talents and make the most out of them. This wil result in positive energy and good results.
3. You can let it go
At home you focus on your family and your mind is not at work. At evening your mindset is relaxed and peaceful. You know how to find a good balance between your job and your private life. Therefore you can relax and reload yourself. Your job doesn’s have any negative influences on your privacy.
4. You are full of energy
You are fully absorbed in your job. You enjoy the new start of your working day and are able to perform optimally and you are full of energy. You know which aspects are needed to give you that energy that you need to perform this way for the future.
What is job satisfaction in practice?
In real life this dream scenario seems a Utopia, but it is really possible to create this scenario. Why do employees take pleasure with less?
Are they afraid to take the next step? It is a common argument that employees are afraid to decline on income or even become unemployed. The assurance of having a job sometimes seems more important then feeling happy in your work.
Whenever one of the pillars is not applicable to you your ultimate feeling of job satisfaction is not optimal. You have to make up your mind what to do about it. Does this mean that you have to go and look for something else? No you don’t! A lot of people will recognise this and they will need to take the first step to increase their job satisfaction.
Did you come to the conclusion that you are not using your strong aspects and talents to the full? Then you can find out how to do that at your current employer. Your current employer will have an open mindset for this, because it will be a win-win situation. For you this will increase your job satisfaction and the employer will profit from your increase in motivation, satisfaction and growth in ambition.
Often simple and small adjustments can be done to increase your job satisfaction. Sometimes this is not enough and looking for a new job will be the only solution.
Whenever there are more then one of the mentioned pillars not applicable to you, something must be done! Ceres can help you to move in the right direction. Invest in yourself! Job satisfaction means al lot to you, right?