Nathalie Fossier
After about fifteen years in the food sector, in rich and varied environments, Nathalie joined the Ceres team in 2018 to provide recruitment solutions to companies based in Wallonia and Brussels. Her experience in Customer Service Manager EMEA allows her to adapt to her clients and candidates and identify to their needs.
The challenge she will have at Ceres is to use her experience to establish the perfect match between employers and candidates when looking for a new job.
She is passionate about the agri-food industry and human resource management. With the Ceres consultancy function Nathalie combines her strengths and aspirations. Her mission is to put her experience at the service of its customers while building a relationship of trust in order to develop activity in French-speaking Belgium.
'The recruiting recipe is the perfect chemistry between an employer and a candidate.'

Nathalie Fossier
Business Unit Manager (0)6 65 21 25 94
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