Ceres helps you to get the best result from your vacancy through Job Marketing.

Job Marketing
Attracting sufficient high level employees, that's what recruitment is all about. Both at short and long term. The question we often get is: how do I reach those suitable candidates? And how can I ensure that the quality of my applications will go up? "This is what Job Marketing is all about.
The ‘Post and pray’-strategy is over
It is nowadays no longer sufficient to put your vacancy only on your own website and social media channels and wait for the right candidate to arrive. The old 'post and pray’-strategy is not enough anymore.
Because of the arrival of the smartphone, people are exposed to 1500 - 3000 communication stimuli every day. They filter what is interesting or is not. As a recruiter you must be aware of this and ensure that the information you bring out is relevant to your target group. Not only communication must fit but it is also important to choose the relevant channels of your target group.
Increase your target group
Only 10% of the workforce is actively seeking for a job, while 58% is latent seeking. Latent seeking means that someone is not actively searching, but is open for another job. You would like to reach this large group because you want to increase your target group with potential candidates!
To reach the group of latent seekers you need a focused Job Marketing campaign. Job Marketing is about using the right channels to reach your desired target group. Here, selecting the right mix of media channels is essential.

Selection of relevant media channels
Research shows that candidates need more or less than 10 touchpoints before they respond to a vacancy. It is therefore important that candidates see the vacancy on several different channels.
Ceres knows the market for media channels within food & agri like no one else and makes a tailor-made selection of the most successful channels for your campaign. The media channels we use can be offline as well as online.
Because of our extensive experience in Job Marketing campaigns, we have collected many results from previuous campaigns on many media channels. Based on these achievements, we can give you a suitable media advice.
We distinguish the relevant media channels in three categories:
- Industry specific media channels: Spreading a vacancy on branch-specific channels helps to reach the latent seeking candidates next to the active looking candidates.
- Media channels per function category: The desired candidates are active on branche related websites. The use of a media channel aimed at a function category helps to target a professional within the right field.
- Generic media channels: Adding generic channels helps to reach a broader audience and increase your brand awareness.
For the Job Marketing campaign, Ceres will make a selection and propose a good mix of media channels from all the above categories.
Job Marketing by Ceres
Ceres helps you to use the right media channels and thus to reach the desired target group. In summary, a Job Marketing campaign at Ceres involves the following:
- Selection of the right mix of media channels for your vacancy;
- A stimulating vacancy text with SEO optimization;
- Access to a network with innovative recruitment tools;
- Extensive experience with (inter)national media channels in various branches;
- Set up, manage and stear the Job Marketing campaign.
For more information about our Job Marketing campaigns, please contact Ceres.